Role of Protein

Posted by Cancer Care on Monday, June 28, 2010

Proteins are the building of new tissue in the body.
Animal protein is derived from animal protein.
Vegetable proteins are proteins derived from plants.
Amino acids that form proteins is unsur2.
Collection of amino acids referred to as proteins.

Animal proteins contain more amino acids than vegetable proteins. Amino acids are protein compounds compiler.

Essential amino acids are amino acids that can not be produced by the body, so it must be obtained from food consumption. Non-essential amino acid is an amino acid that can diprosuksi by the body, so has the consumption of lower priority than the essential amino acids. Conditionally essential amino acids are a group of non-essential amino acids, but at certain times, like after a hard weight training, production in the body is not as fast and not as much as necessary so that must be obtained from foods or protein supplements.

As a simple example supposition:
a building can be interpreted as a protein, while the cement, bricks, roofing, windows, doors, wood and bahan2 that form the building could be described as an amino acid.
Amino Acid itself is divided into three types:
1. Essential amino acids.
2. Nonessendial amino acids.
3. Conditionally essential amino acid.

The protein we eat is digested into amino acids. In the body, amino acids are converted back into a protein in accordance with the needs of the body. Functioning protein for growth, replace the damaged or dying cells, and regulate processes in the body. Protein deficiency causes stunted growth and are susceptible to infection. Inside the body cells, proteins can also be converted into energy.

Animal proteins commonly referred to as high biological value protein. Vegetable food, such as rice and beans, essential amino acid contains a limited or incomplete. Therefore, it is said to contain proteins of low biological value.

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