Potentiation Of Insulin Therapy In Cancer Treatment

Posted by Cancer Care on Monday, January 17, 2011

Potentiation of insulin therapy remains controversial, some cancer experts say that this method presents no credible evidence of impact. How it works and the advantages over other methods and to judge whether someone should choose Methotrexae IPT with AD.

Enhanced insulin involves the use of insulin combined with low dose chemotherapy to treat cancer. This treatment is considered milder because it does not lead to side effects common with chemotherapy. The concept is that insulin would amplify the effect of the chemotherapy, so that the use of about one tenth of the usual recommended dose will produce the same results as the full dose without suffering the effects of chemotherapeutic drugs. Proponents of this treatment claim that insulin has the ability to "open up" the receptors of cancer cells chemotherapy does come easily.

The procedure involves fasting, it is not water or food, for about six to eight hours before the clinical procedures. Intravenous fluids will be introduced into the patient and the dose of insulin is administered. Dose of insulin depends on the patient's body weight. Subsequently, lower doses of chemotherapy drugs such as methotrexate administered MA after a few minutes to allow time for insulin to lower blood sugar in the blood for the first patient, before chemotherapy drugs introduced into the bloodstream. Most patients manifest symptoms of hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia. At this point the intravenous administration must be moved to a solution rich in sugar. The patient is then allowed to eat a food to raise blood sugar more after hypoglycemia is improved. Glucose monitoring during the process.

The following treatments can result in either reducing or increasing the dose of insulin. Treatment can be twice a week and recommended that the sessions can be twelve to eighteen.

How does the ICC?

enhancement of the insulin therapy increases cell membrane permeability to increase the absorption of drugs into cells. With this, lower doses of chemotherapy drugs produce the same results as the full dose. IPT will also improve the transport of chemotherapeutic drugs across the blood-brain barrier.

Insulin has the ability to initiate the cancer cells in their growth phase. At this stage, the cells are more vulnerable to chemotherapy. In a 1981 study at George Washington University, concluded that the use of insulin in methotrexate chemotherapy increase the effect of the drug a thousand times.

IPT also creates changes in the chemistry of the blood of patient benefit. He also serves as a means to detoxify the body. As IPT fight against cancer cells, it increases the flushing of toxins.

More on TPI before your own discretion. Such treatment was helped countless patients with good results. Not because he does not receive the support of the majority of doctors so it is not effective. Examine reasons for how it works.

Source by ezinearticles.com

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